I AM Fully Awakened Pretending I AM Awakening Step-by-Step

Greetings dear friends!  I AM Karen LaRue Moye and I AM my greater presence.  Last night, I experienced the gift of a one-on-one phone session with Panache Desai (www.panachedesai.com), a fully-awakened Avatar of love and light, and it rocked my known world as sessions with Panache are wont to do.  At the beginning of the session, he asked me what I wished to work on, and I replied that I wished to integrate even more of who I AM into my physical experience as well as remove any remaining blocks to bringing all that I AM into my work.

Ever since the beginning of the year when I had my first session with Panache and wholly committed to this blog and channeling My Greater Presence, my abilities as a reader and transformational healer have grown and deepened in ways I never dreamed possible.  There is so much more joy, connection, and knowing in my work now.  I know I am truly following my divine blueprint for this incarnation, and everything just keeps getting better and better.  But recently, I made a decision to host a webinar while in Kauai in March, and ever since, I have been experiencing an energetic reticence about moving forward that I wished to remove once and for all.

After sitting in Presence with Panache, he asked me to channel for him so that he could read my energy while I channel and see where there might be any blocks.  Boy was I put on the spot!  After a bit of coaxing, I went into/connected to this energy I call My Greater Presence.  My physical experience of it is that it is like a warm light that begins within my physical body, my core, just below my belly button and grows and expands its warmth and light until it fills the lower half of my torso completely.  Then, I feel a stirring and energizing in my heart, high heart, and throat chakras that feels like excitement and anticipation as the heart/throat energy combines with the belly energy and bursts forth in joy as what I have come to call My Greater Presence.

I described these sensations to Panache, and he said, “Thank you.  Now we know the physical, energetic sensations of this energy, so channel for me.”

I did.   As I always do, I began with “I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for Panache, the planet, and all who dwell upon her.”  I then began to channel.  After a bit, Panache thanked me, paused for a moment, and then said, “Okay, drop the channeling, it’s just something you hide behind.  If you were channeling energy from outside of yourself, I would tell you to step aside and allow it to come through, but you’re not.  You are channeling you in all your wisdom, your connection, all of who you are.  Drop the mask.  Stop hiding.  Come out and say, ‘This is me.  This is what I know.  These are the energies I emit.  This is the Master I AM.’  Claim your mastery and stop hiding.”

Immediately, I felt the rightness, the truth of his words and realized this explained the dichotomy I had begun to feel in my work.  I presumed the information and energies were coming from outside of me when they were really sourced within me, within my mastery, within my source.  A wonderful feeling of elation came over me that was quickly followed by an intense emotional response of tears and a feeling of “being unworthy” to be this energy in the world.  To openly present myself to the world and say “This is Me!”  I shared this sense of emotion and unworthiness with Panache, and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I saw the truth:  Once again I was hiding—hiding behind my sense of unworthiness.  The unworthiness was a mask, an assumed illusion I had used to keep myself little and to protect those hurt and wounded aspects of self I had shielded for so long.  Through my work with Panache, I realized I no longer had the need of the mask of unworthiness.  And I let it go.  Just like that.  I laughed out loud with the feeling of freedom and joy at acknowledging myself for who I AM.  This is me, and this is my soul path; this is my unique flavor of All That Is.

So, thank you, Panache.  Through my work with you and all the work I’ve done in this lifetime, I am ready to step fully into my work, and I offer it to each and every one of you now as Karen LaRue Moye who is my greater presence and so much more.

I AM a fully-awakened human being pretending I AM awakening step-by-step.

Part of me knows I always have been fully awakened, whole, and at one with the Divine, but the human personality part of me has decided to experience my “awakening” step-by-step.  I could awaken in a moment.  Many on the planet will awaken in a moment.  But that is not my way.  My way is to fully experience all that there is to experience in the awakening process and to learn the tools that ease the way and enable the process with more grace, ease, and joy.  That is my way and in taking it step-by-step, I am able to document my journey so that if it is the will of the Divine, others will be helped in their own remembering that they are already perfect, already awake.

I have experienced what you have experienced and what you are experiencing.  In my 50 years, I have either physically or vibrationally experienced just about everything you can imagine, and I have followed my divine blueprint in this way for one reason—so that I can know and experience what you know and are experiencing.  I have felt your pain, frustration, anger, despair, and so much more as my own, and I and you have and will rise above it.

I see you.  I hear you.  I feel you.  I acknowledge you as the perfect, divine being of love and light that you are.

It is part of my unique gifts and abilities to mirror your perfection, your divinity to you when we are in session together.  It is part of who I am to assist you easily and with grace to release all that is holding you back, if that is your desire.  It is part of my path to bring you information and tools to assist you on your path of remembering you are already awake.

This blog is no longer “channeled.”  It is me, talking with you.  It is me, a finely-tuned vibrational barometer of the energies, fears, blocks, and uncertainties that you, the vanguard of the Divine are experiencing in this moment in time.  And because I am that finely-tuned vibrational barometer, I will bring you information and tools that are relevant to your life and your experience now–through all that I AM to all that you are.

You are my sisters and my brothers.  We are all connected; we are all one.  This is my unique blueprint, and it is my dearest wish that in living and being all that I am that I set a template of light and love in the world to help you and everyone who resonates with my energy to totally own and be your own fullest expression of your unique blueprint of the Divine in the world.

If you only believe Divine truths can come from sources outside of you that must be channeled, then this blog may not be for you.

But, if you are willing to begin to open yourself to infinite possibilities and the knowledge that as a spiritual being having a human experience your truth, strength, power, and love comes from within rather than from somewhere outside of you, then you may find within the pages of this blog, a mirror of your own light, wisdom, and love which shines within  you.

In owning my own perfect, divine blueprint, I am a mirror of your own perfect, divine blueprint.

My friends, we are on the most amazing journey.  Anything and everything is possible.  Last night, I embarked on a new aspect of my journey in totally owning the power and grace of my love and light.  I have so much to share with each and every one of you in the coming days, weeks, and months.  Will you journey with me?  If so, I welcome you; and if not, I send you hugs of unconditional love and support for your unique and perfect journey.

It is a time of infinite possibilities.  Let the joy begin.

Big hugs of love and light,


If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Reading, a One Email Question, or a Transformational Energy session with Karen, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.

Posted in Tools of Empowerment | Tagged , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Is this Anxiety Really Mine?

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  As it is, so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  What a wonderful day it is here in Southern Oregon.  The mists are caressing the hillsides, the rain is falling gently, and the energies continue to grow and offer infinite possibilities of change.  This time is blessed with all its instances of chaos and discomfort; blessed because through chaos and discomfort, growth and change occur.  Of course, it need not be so, but that is what is currently being scripted by humanity and we embrace it fully.

Today, dear ones, we wish to discuss a subject that many of you have been experiencing for a number of years but feels as though it may be increasing at this time.  How many of you are experiencing increased anxiety in your day-to-day lives?  How many are experiencing moments of almost panic?  How many are experiencing fear and anger that seems to be bigger than you are?  How many of you are awash in feelings and emotions that seem to be controlling your life?

This one, our Human Presence, can relate.  During her morning routine of showering and dressing she felt an intense energy in the area of her heart and throat, an almost anxiety that felt as though it wanted to come up and out of her chest and throat.  Her breathing became shallower, and her discomfort increased.  She has had similar physical experiences since the New Year, and her agile mind immediately began thinking of ways to counter or lessen the symptoms.  She thought of herbs, essential oils, and meditative practices she could employ.  Then, she stopped.  She came to a mental halt, positioned her body facing to the North, and said,

“Truth, is this energy anxiety?”
“Truth, is this energy excitement and anticipation?”
“Truth, is this energy from My Greater Presence?”
“Truth, am I to drop everything and channel?”

And so here we are.  You may wonder why we affected her in such a way, and we will say honestly that there are times that it is difficult to get her attention.  We had pointed out earlier to her that it had been days since the last channeling, and she had seen this and thought she should make time in the next few days to channel again.  She wished to delay, and yet, the energies were supportive of it today which she knew within herself.  Her experience this morning also gave her the physical reminder of how energies and information are experienced in the human body and that many times, all that is required of any of you is to acknowledge them and their meaning for you.

Is the Energy Mine?

When you find yourself experiencing anxiety, panic, or fear, we ask you to take a moment and determine whether the energy is truly your own.

Human beings are empathetic creatures and many of you are extremely sensitive to the new energies as well as to the energies and emotions of the humans who people your world—your significant others, your children, your parents, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, the cashier at the grocery store, the person seated beside you on your daily commute, as well as many, many more.  You are also highly sensitive to the energies of a room you have just entered or a sweater or piece of furniture you picked up at a resale shop.  Everything contains an energy signature, and you go through your lives as live antennae picking up feelings, emotions, and thought-forms everywhere you go.

Many of these do not feel good in your body and field at all, but you forget to ask whether they are your own.  It is as though on some level at a very early stage of this incarnation you agreed to be the clean-up crews for everyone else’s emotions and feelings.  You took the responsibility of owning and cleaning up their emotions from them as a way of being of service in the world.  At the time in your life that you took on this task—10, 20, 30, 40 or more years ago—the energies of empowerment on a personal scale were very different.  There were contracts and agreements in place that allowed people to give their empowerment to others rather than standing in their own power as the Master that each person is.

That was then.  This is now.  Now there are no longer such soul contracts and agreements; they have become moot.  You are each in every moment writing the script of your life in the present moment.  Many of you are still doing so in a mostly unconscious way, but this does not change the fact that You are a MasterYou are the Creator of Your Life.

It is time to take full responsibility for what is yours and to release all that is not yours.

Yes, we realize that once more we are talking about the R word—Responsibility.  You will find us discussing different aspects of responsibility many times over the next months, for as we said previously, this is the Age of Responsibility.  And as the Age of Responsibility, it is your human right, privilege, and duty to move ever more toward All That You Are in every moment of every day, and one of the first steps is in taking responsibility for what is yours and releasing all that belongs to others.

We feel that deep within yourselves you truly wish to take responsibility for all that is yours.  For many of you, you are deadly tired of having other people’s emotions running rampant through your energy fields.  Even though it is so much second nature to allow another’s energy to enter into your body and field, you are soul weary of carrying so much for others.  And we tell you, you will only get wearier and wearier until you begin to consciously release and return what is not yours and set firm energetic and emotional boundaries within your field.

Sensitivity:  Curse or Blessing?

Many of you when faced with anxiety, panic, and intense emotions such as fear and anger immediately claim them as your own and those around you are quick to validate this for you.  They say you are high strung, overwrought, easily upset, or too sensitive; it’s just the way you are.  And you agree with them absolutely.  You see the truth of your sensitivity everywhere you look.  It doesn’t feel good in your body, and it doesn’t feel good in your relationship with yourself and others so you blame yourself and you dislike yourself for being the way that you are.

We are here to mirror a truth to you.  What is this truth?  You are beautiful, sensitive, beings of light who have incredible abilities and gifts where energy and knowing are concerned.  Your sensitivities, which have always seemed to be a disadvantage, are actually some of your greatest gifts.  We realize that it has rarely seemed to be a gift in the density of the world you grew up in, but as you each begin to write the script of the New Earth, you are writing (unconsciously at first and then more consciously) a new role for yourselves, an acknowledgement that your sensitivity can play a great and important part in the creation of the New Earth as well as in its evolution.  Before you can truly write and live this new script of empowerment and acknowledgement of all that you are, you must first determine in each moment what is yours and what is not.

This morning, when faced with an intense, energetic response within her physical body, our Human Presence finally allowed herself to stop and determine whether the energy was hers, and if it was, what it was she was to do with it.  How did she accomplish this?  Very easily.  There are two methods she employed.

  1. She asked for the truth.  There is a very simple process that you can use to ask about any given situation in your life that is extremely helpful in determining whether an energy or emotion that you are experiencing is truly yours.  Our Human Presence calls this simply Invoking Truth.Example:  To Invoke Truth with a feeling of anxiety you are experiencing, simply say out loud or to yourself, “Truth.  Is this anxiety mine?”  You may feel that you will make up the answer, but we tell you that when you Invoke Truth, your being must give you a truthful answer.  If you find you do not trust yourself, even in knowing that you must give yourself a truthful answer, then we suggest you ask someone to help you.  They can assist by standing before you or talking on the phone to you and saying, “Truth.  (Fill in your name), is this your anxiety?”  Then, whatever you answer, “Yes” or “No,” is your truth.An Example for a “No” Answer

    If you say “No,” then your dialog could go something such as this:Ask yourself or have someone else ask you,

    “Truth, then who does this anxiety belong to?”
    “My mother”
    “Truth, is this anxiety your responsibility?”
    “Truth, are you ready to give it back to your mother?”
    Yes, but she doesn’t want it.”
    “Truth, is it your concern whether she wants it or not?”
    “Truth, are you ready to give this anxiety back to your mother and to God according to her highest good?”
    “Truth, is there anything you need to do before you give it back to your mother and to God?”  “No.”
    “Then do so now.  Does that feel complete?”
    “How is your anxiety?”
    “Much better, it’s gone.”

    Take a couple of deep breaths and relax.

    An Example for a “Yes” Answer

    If you say, “Yes, it’s mine,” then ask yourself or have someone else ask you,

    “Truth, how does this anxiety serve you?”
    “It keeps me hyper-vigilant.”
    “Truth, why do you need to stay hyper-vigilant?”
    “To keep myself safe”
    “Truth, are you currently in a situation or position that makes you unsafe?”
    “Truth, is this feeling of not being safe from your childhood?”
    “Truth, how old were you when you first found the need to be hyper-vigilant?”
    “Truth, as the adult that you are today, is there anything you can do to help your 5-year-0ld self know that it is safe?”
    “Yes, I can be there with her so she knows she is not alone.  I can hold her when she is scared.  I can show her that I will stick up for her and that no one can harm her again.”
    “Truth, does it feel right to tell her that now?”
    “Then do so.  How does she feel now?”
    “Much happier, we’re playing.”
    “Truth, is there anything else she needs at this time?”
    No, she’s good.”
    “Truth, how does your anxiety feel now?”
    “It’s gone.”

    Take a couple of deep breaths and relax.

    Using Your Body for Guidance

    2.  Another tool our Human Presence employed was to use her physical body and inner guidance to receive the “yes” and “no” answers to her questions.  As we stated, she faced her body to the North and asked her questions.  As she was receiving answers, since she did not have anyone to pose the questions to her at the time, she also asked the questions of her body and you can do the same.

    a.  Stand and face in the direction of North (the sun rises on your right-hand side and sinks on your left-hand side).  Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart firmly on the floor with knees slightly bent.
    b.  Take a couple of deep breaths and relax your head, neck, and shoulders.
    c.  Visualize or perceive your question or the object of your question as being in front of you, and then ask your question.
    d.  After you ask your question, if your body moves of its own will forward/toward the object of your question, your answer is “yes.”
    e.  If your body moves back/away from the object of your question, your answer is “no.”
    f.  You can ask as many Yes/No questions as you like.
    g.  After your last question, take a couple of deep breaths, thank your Higher Self/Guidance for its help, and move your body around.

Is it Anxiety or Excitement?

We wish to leave you with one other thought at this time:  There are times when the feelings and emotions you perceive as anxiety are actually excitement and/or anticipation.  You human beings in today’s world are so used to stress and the lack of joy and excitement in your lives that there are times when you believe you are anxious when you are just excited or anticipating an event or an energy that your Higher Self knows is coming but of which your conscious mind is unaware.

With this in mind, we ask you to get into the habit of asking whether what you feel is actually from positive feelings and emotions before you assume that they are negative.  Ask if you are in a state of heightened expectation and excitement.  Ask if something positive is about to happen.  And if you get a yes, enjoy it!

It seems ludicrous on some levels that you would mistake the positive feelings of anticipation and excitement for anxiety/fear, but we assure you it happens quite often.  Of course, once you determine that the emotions and bodily symptoms you are experiencing are, in fact, of a positive nature, it may behoove you to look at what energetic blocks and invalid beliefs you hold within your energetic pathways that cause you to feel they are of a negative nature.  This response is just one more way your guidance system shows you where you are blocked.

There are, of course, many blocks and invalid belief systems you can clear and release on your own.  There are also those that will require assistance from individuals trained in various aspects of Energy Medicine and who have intuitive, psychological healing skills.  The energies are totally supportive at this time of releasing these blocks and beliefs once and for all in grace and ease.

We look forward to sharing more on this subject in future posts.

You are loved and supported unconditionally.

I AM My Greater Presence

If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Channeled Reading, a One Email Question, or a healing session with Karen and My Greater Presence, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.

Posted in Channeling, Tools of Empowerment | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

A Clarification of Responsibility and Forgiveness

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  As it is, so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  We are taking this time to answer a wonderful question from our dear friend, Dave, in his comment to our Human Presence.  We thank him and you for reading our words and asking questions, for we see this as a dialog between Masters and Master Teachers for each of you is a Master and Master Teacher in your own right.  You are just now beginning to remember this about yourselves.

This question from Dave concerns our most recent post entitled, “You Are the One You Have Been Waiting For.”  We will repeat his comments and question here for it has true merit:

From Dave:  This was a wonderful read. Thank you for posting this, Karen.

I do have a question about one section. You said: “We ask you to begin a practice of forgiveness. Begin by forgiving yourself and God. And then, on an energetic level, ask for forgiveness from every person you have perceived as harming you or wishing to harm you. Yes, that is what we said. Ask their forgiveness because you are taking full responsibility for their actions.”

I can see that on an energetic level, others who would harm us are part of our experience in this lifetime, and we have created that. We own that. We asked for it in this lifetime, and every lifetime. Taking responsibility for that, for others wishing to harm us…sounds difficult but wise.

But I have to wonder about “taking full responsibility for their actions.” Does not any of another’s actions towards us belong to the responsibility of that individual? For me, taking ~full~ responsibility for their actions leaves nothing for them to take R~ for, which, looking at where we are wisely to be OWNING R~, verily belongs to THEIR actions.

I feel that I can take a certain degree of R~ for another’s actions towards me, but not fully. To do so would be robbery, no? Both sides own it, and each needs to acknowledge that, and thus, take R~.

I would love to hear more about that…thank you.

[From Karen:  As I am typing this, the time on my computer is 12:12.  A gateway is open.  Are we ready to pass through it?  I AM.  How about you?  Big hugs of light and love to each of you]

Dear friends, it is so important that we have been asked to clarify this at this time.  Our Human Presence is correct, a gateway has opened but do not worry that it will close if you read this posting hours, days, or weeks after its writing.  The gateway is here for all of humanity as well as many who dwell in other dimensional spaces and on other planetary sentiences besides your Mother Earth throughout time and space.

The New Gateway of Responsibility

An energetic Gateway of Responsibility has opened that will give the energetic support for the taking of responsibility in one’s life.  This energy is in support of the Master that each of you is in this moment of time as well as all others.  It supports your becoming aware of your wholeness, your mastery, your awakened state—that which you are and always have been underneath your masks, your blinders, your amnesia.  Hear us when we say that you have more support of who you truly are than at any other time in the long, long, long history of the human experience.

When we stated “you are taking full responsibility for their actions,” we could have been more specific, but if we had, Dave would not have come forward, and we would not have had such a beautiful opening to tell you of the opening of this particular Gateway.  We delight in how each of you interacts with us on so many levels.

You are taking full responsibility for their actions as it impacts you and your life.We do not mean to say that they are not also responsible for their actions as it impacts their life and your life for if each individual is taking responsibility for their own life then there is no one who is not.  Do you see?  It can look like a bit of an energetic/philosophical conundrum, so we will give examples while knowing and understanding that each one reading these words will understand them or be confused by them as is most appropriate for each in this moment in time.  Many ideas and vibrations are being transmitted simultaneously within these words.

A Soul-Level Meeting of the Board

As many of you already understand, before you came into this physical incarnation, your soul called a great board meeting of all the many souls who wished to play a part in your next foray into physical existence.  All of these great beings of light came to the “meeting” because of the wonderful, unconditional love that they shared with you.  They came to offer their assistance to you so that you could learn the soul lessons and complete the soul contracts you wished to experience for your highest good and for the highest good of all.

At this “meeting of the board” which you chaired, you gave an outline of your intentions with suggestions for how others could interact and help and also to ask for suggestions.  Realize that this was not a cut and dried, one-dimensional outline for many things had to be taken into consideration for it was not just your life that would be impacted.  Each of the other souls who would play vital roles in your life also had their own soul lessons and contracts for their lifetime.

An Example of the Web of Responsibility

To explain the complexity of the situation, we will take the hypothetical example of the beautiful, loving soul who volunteered to be “your” biological father in this lifetime.  He agreed to abandon you when you were 3 years old which set off a pattern of abandonment and distrust of men and the masculine (even if you were also male) in your life and the feeling of being intrinsically unlovable.  This great gift served you in helping you to work on your life lessons of trust and believing in your own self-worth.

From your biological father’s perspective, he was able to experience his issues of fear of responsibility, lack of self-confidence, and his lack of self-love.  Your mother was able to reinforce her self-fulfilling beliefs of “men always leave,” “I can’t depend on anyone except myself,” and “I have to be strong even if it kills me” with the actions of your father.  Then there were the impacts in the lives of his parents, your mother’s parents, your siblings, and countless others including the men (or women) in your life from your first boyfriend (or girlfriend) to your latest partner who have had “to pay” for your father leaving you when you were three.

Do you begin to see how extensive the web of each life is?  If we were to draw a Venn diagram of this, it would soon be completely filled in due to all the many lives that are touched by the actions of just one individual in your life.

When we ask you to take full responsibility for their actions, we ask that you do just that.  You asked them to play this part in your life, and from our perspective, true healing comes in all its many levels and dimensions when you take that full responsibility.  Please know though that this does not “let them off the hook” for their actions.  If, by some chance, your biological father also read our previous blog where we suggested he take full responsibility for everything that had happened to him in his life, then he would have to take responsibility for asking for forgiveness from you and your mother even though he had told her he wasn’t ready for children and asked her to stay on the birth control pill; even though he felt in over his head with a new job and a family and had no idea how to be the husband and father he was expected to be.  His father had been an alcoholic who was never there for him because his father had always been drunk.  As a baby and toddler, he felt that every time you looked at him you expected more from him than he could give.  If only you had waited to be born . . . he wouldn’t have had to leave.

Of course, your biological father probably will not read these postings and may never take responsibility for his actions and ask for your forgiveness—energetically or otherwise.  And that will be perfect for him.  That is between him and his soul’s path in this lifetime.

Whether he takes responsibility for his life and his actions is not your concern.  We realize there is a part of each of you that feels that if only the perpetrators of pain and suffering in your lives could feel as badly about what they have done to you as you feel, then your healing could truly begin.  You could receive some small satisfaction in their suffering.  In truth, healing can only come from you for you.  Healing for another can only come from them for them.

You are Only Responsible for You

Ultimately, you are responsible only for you.  But as you take full responsibility for yourself, the template of responsibility that you generate is broadcast energetically out into the world for all to see if and when they are ready to “see” that template, which then will awaken their own template of responsibility and healing, which will then be broadcast and awaken another, and then another, and so on.

We are making the suggestion to each of you that in fully taking responsibility for everything that has happened to you and by you in your life and then asking forgiveness, then you can truly cleanse past hurts and wounds, release unwanted masks and identities, and begin to move forward as the true Master that you are.

I Love You; I AM Sorry; Please Forgive Me; Thank You.

The practice of ho’oponopono transverses time and space and helps to heal every aspect that no longer serves you.  It is powerful medicine if you allow it to work in your life.  There are other tools we will share with you at other times, but if this prayer resonates with you, it is a wonderful place to begin.

You are loved and supported unconditionally and we are enjoying this ongoing dialogue with you.

I AM My Greater Presence

If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Channeled Reading, a One Email Question, or a healing session with Karen and My Greater Presence, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.

Posted in Channeling, Tools of Empowerment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

You Are the One You Have Been Waiting For

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  As it is; so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  It is with much joy we share with you at this time.  Many ideas and energies have been percolating within our Human Presence for the past days, readying her for the information she is to transcribe for us in this way.  She knows the truth of them within her yet feels more comfortable in this transmittal process when she is given a taste of what is to come.  She is, of course, “in” on the information from its inception for we are she and she is we and all are one, but there is still a bit of doubt that resides within her personality, so we allow her the time to wrap herself around the concepts before we present them.

You have spent Your Life waiting

Now we are all come together as if in a room, a dimensional space where all who read these words no matter the country or the date of the reading are all together in this moment in time to feel the vibration of a truth, a vibration that you have each waited for millennia to embrace once more. You are the One you have been waiting for. Yes, we realize you have heard these words before but have you heard these words in truth?

You are the One you have been waiting for.

Many of you felt you were waiting for the Second Coming of the Christ.  Others felt you were waiting for the personification of peace in the world.  Still others of you have been waiting and waiting for the promised New Earth, a New World of peace, love, harmony, and equality.  Whatever you have been waiting for, it has a personification that is outside of yourself; it is something or someone “out there.”  And here we are sharing with you that it is in essence you; you are the One you have been waiting for.

To many of you, these words make no sense.  You ask yourself, “How can I be the one I have been waiting for?  Look at my health!  Look at my life!  Look at my relationships!  Look at the balance of my bank account!  I am not a Master!  I prove every day that I don’t have a handle on my life.  I think you have me mixed up with someone else!”

Your Ego’s Greatest Fear

Do you remember hearing the phrase that you are “the Master of your Destiny?”  Do you remember how you wished it was true but you felt it wasn’t?  That there is always someone else pulling the strings and pushing your life first this way and then that way, out of your control?

Your ego, your personality aspects wish to be master of your life and thus seek to control every part of your life as a way of proving that mastery.  It will hold on to relationships that no longer serve you, and to jobs that no longer bring you joy.  Your ego seeks to keep you in a place of fear and disempowerment because if the truth of your being is truly known and experienced by you, it feels you will no longer need it and it will die an untimely death.  So your ego holds on for dear life.

Your Ego vs. Your Awakened State

For many of you, do you not believe deep within yourselves that when you truly awaken, when you become an Enlightened Being that your ego, your personality will dissolve?  Many of you have a vision of being a beautiful, calm, and loving person without excesses of emotion, without the quirks of personality, a quietly joyous “enlightened” being who goes about their day spreading light and wisdom in a detached, loving way.  If you are truthful with yourself, is this not very close to how you believe an awakened, enlightened being is?

The irony of this picture for many of you is that on the one hand, you long for peace and joy in your lives and wish for such an existence as the one mentioned; while on the other hand, a part of you is worried that living as such a person will be too monochromatic or one-dimensional.  Where is the excitement?  Where is the adventure?  Where is the fun?  But “fun” and “enlightenment” do not seem to go hand in hand.  And so the ego lives in fear.  The ego fears that which you desire more than the next breath you take—your awakened state.

And because your ego lives in fear, it seeks to control your awakening.  Your ego finds ways of increasing resistance within you to your own light and your power.  It finds ways of reminding you of past lives of persecution and death when you showed your light and the gifts of your being.  It reminds you of the pain and loneliness of being perceived as different and of not fitting in.  It reminds you of the heart-breaking memories of not being seen and heard as the truth that you are.  And when, even with all of these reminders that are meant to keep you stuck and your ego safe, you still move toward your own light, toward your own awakening and enlightenment, your ego seeks to control even more by manifesting illness and dis-ease in your physical body and pain, suffering, and confusion in your life.

Remember:  You are a creator god.  There is nothing that you can imagine that you cannot create.  So when you look around you at your life and your health and your relationships in this moment in time, know that all you see and experience has been created by you for you.  This creation has served your ego by insuring that it will live to a ripe old age.

The Masks to Your True Personality

The crux of the matter, though, is this:  Your ego never dies.  Your personality never disappears.  You are who you are from the day of your inception until you release this present body and pass through the veil once more.  This does not mean that you are sentenced to a life of anger, rage, frustration, depression, joylessness, meanness, triteness, selfishness, criticalness, impatience, and whatever so-called negative personality traits you currently possess.  They are not your true ego and personality.  They are the masks of adaptation created from the wounds you have received throughout your life.  They are masks; they are assumed identities; they are not who you truly are.

In your truth, in your wholeness, in the true mastery and uniqueness of all that you are, these false identities play no part.  They are not you.  They are aspects you have taken on in order to live in a world where you have compromised and compromised and compromised your true essence until you are more in touch with the mask than with the truth of who you really are.

There is no blame and no criticism from us where this is concerned–just the opposite in fact.  We applaud you in doing what you needed to do in order to survive.  We applaud the courage that was required of each of you as children to take on the masks and the blinders that hid your light in a world that was not yet ready to see your magnificence.  We lovingly support all of the decisions you made consciously and unconsciously to shut down and to survive.

This is the Year to Reclaim Your Power

We applaud you for your soul courage in agreeing to incarnate on this planet in physical form at a time and in circumstances when it would be impossible for you to maintain your truth and your wholeness and to shine the brilliance of your light, power, and authority.  You have spent a lifetime denying, ignoring, and giving to others your personal power and mastery.  You have given your power to your religion, to your governments, to authority figures, to parents, to spouses, to gurus, or to masters.  You have seen the light of power and authority in everyone else except you.

We are here today to remind you of this truth:  This is the year to reclaim your power.  This is the time to embrace and live your mastery.  This is the moment to acknowledge your uniqueness and know without a shadow of a doubt that

You are the one you have been waiting for.

It is time for you to step into your own magnificence and once more to claim your personal power.  You are powerful beyond measure.  You know within you that this is truer than any other words you have ever read.  Your greatest fear is that you are more powerful than you know.  For it has been your experience in this lifetime as well as in many, many other lifetimes that great power equates to great destruction.  We will not deny that you have had these experiences in the past.  We will not deny that with the power to create worlds comes the power to destroy worlds.  We realize that this is your greatest of all fears—that you will misuse this immense power that you are.

This is a fear that has kept you imprisoned.  This is a fear that has kept you hiding your light and power for centuries.  This is a fear that has no basis in fact in this moment in time.  It is a control mechanism that is no longer needed.

It is now time to begin to step into your unique, personal power.  For it is only through each human being stepping into their own mastery that all will be awakened and enlightened.  And as with the hundredth monkey or the 4-minute mile, there is a certain small percentage of the 6.8 billion humans on this planet who will first take back their power and enter into their awakened state—complete with all their unique qualities and quirks—which will spur a wave of light that will flow over the face of this planet and change it forever.

You, as you have from the beginning, are part of the vanguard of this wave.  As you accept your light and mastery, you embody the template for all the others who will come after you.  As you release the fears and self-limiting beliefs from your mental, emotional, and physical bodies, you create room for the truth that you are to blossom and be born in all its wholeness for the first time on planet Earth.  This is not a re-birthing.  This is a birthing of all that you are while in physical form.

So where do you begin?  We suggest you begin with two things—responsibility and forgiveness.

Accept Full Responsibility for Your Life

From our perspective, responsibility is the act of being accountable for everything that has ever happened to you in this lifetime or any other.  You are not a victim and you have never been a victim.  No person can harm another person without the soul permission of each individual.  Everything you have experienced in your life has been orchestrated by you for you on many different levels in order to bring you to this point, to where you are right now as you are reading this transmission.

You are here because you got yourself here.  It may not have been pretty; it may not have been fun; we are sure that there was much suffering and pain along the way, but you got here.  Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and take responsibility for the genius that you are on so many levels, because you made it possible for you to experience the perfect storm of events, relationships, and wounds to learn the lessons you have learned and needed to learn.  Take full responsibility so that you can be done once and for all with the energies of victimhood, pain, and suffering.

And how do you take full responsibility?  Through forgiveness.

Practice True Forgiveness

We ask you to begin a practice of forgiveness.  Begin by forgiving yourself and God.  And then, on an energetic level, ask for forgiveness from every person you have perceived as harming you or wishing to harm you.  Yes, that is what we said.  Ask their forgiveness because you are taking full responsibility for their actions.  Ask them to forgive you.  Then sit back and watch how your life changes and how free you begin to feel.  Watch as miracles take place in your life.  Be aware that we are not asking you to call up each person who has hurt you and ask for their forgiveness.  We are asking you to make this an energetic, daily practice.

One tool we suggest you use for this profound process of responsibility and forgiveness is through the ancient Hawaiian practice of ho’oponopono.  It is a simple, yet complicated and far-reaching process and one that works in many dimensions of time and space simultaneously.  Here is ho’oponopono:

I Love You; I Am Sorry; Please Forgive Me; Thank You.

You may be familiar with the prayer in a different order or slightly different wording and we say it is not important.  Say the phrases in the way that resonates most strongly with you.  The healing is there no matter the wording or the order.  It is a powerful healing force.

Say it in mediation, or say it as a chant, or sing it, or dance it, or drum to it.  Find your unique expression of it and use it on a daily basis.  Take full responsibility for your life.  Practice forgiveness.  And watch the miracles occur.

It is with great love, appreciation, and support for you that we close for this time

I Am My Greater Presence.

I f you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Channeled Reading, a One Email Question, or a healing session with Karen and My Greater Presence, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.

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Aquarius New Moon Intentions

A Note from Karen: Today (February 2nd) is the New Moon in Aquarius.  For awhile now, I’ve had a page on my website giving people information every month on making their New Moon intentions.  Last night, as I was writing the email to my website subscribers about the New Moon in Aquarius (you can use its energy for the next three days!), My Greater Presence asked to add a short comment.  Since this is their blog, I also decided to add it here for anyone who might be interested.  The link on my webpage is https://karenlaruemoye.com/New_Moon_Intentions.html

I hope you have a divine, abundantly wonderful day!


I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for Mother Earth and all who dwell upon her.  As it is; so it is.

“Greetings dear friends!  We asked for a bit of space in this email to remind you that the current year of your experience, 2011, has the vibration of infinite possibilities!  If you can imagine it; you can create it.  A word of caution:  Be very sure about what it is that you wish to create in your life and create only what will bring you joy and improve the quality of your life.

It does not matter what tool you use to put forth your wishes into the great mix that is Universal unmanifest form—New Moon Intentions, writing a new script, New Year’s Resolutions, vision boards, etc.—as long as your intentions allow for no harm to yourself or another.

Be mindful of your intentions as well as of the areas and issues of self-sabotage that may present themselves as soon as you speak your intentions in the world for all blocks, invalid belief systems, and patterns of being that are contrary to your goals and intentions will raise their head in your experience to be healed and removed once and for all.

There has never been more support for you to clear any and all aspects of yourself, your beliefs, and your world that no longer support your highest good than at this time.  Take every advantage to clear, release, and heal all that holds you stuck and unable to move forward in grace and ease.

This is the time you have all waited for.  It is here now.  Enjoy and create a New World that supports the highest good of the planet and all that dwell upon her.

You are loved and supported beyond measure.

I AM My Greater Presence”

If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Channeled Reading, a One Email Question, or a healing session with Karen and My Greater Presence, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment.

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Vibrational Sickness: Charting and Releasing Resistance

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for Mother Earth and all who dwell upon her.  As it is; so it is.

“Greetings dear friends!  It has been many days since last we spoke with you.  There have been many energies that have been mixing and heightening and our Human Presence has been dealing with the physical issues of the heightened vibrations.  She is vibrating higher and higher and finding certain fears and areas of resistance coming forth that she did not realize were there.  In fact, at one point, she feared that she was vibrating so rapidly that she would cease to be able to stay in her physical body.  She feared she would vibrate into light, her physical body would dissolve, and she would not be able to stay on the Earth plane.  Some of you may think, “Ah, but that is silly. “  While others of you may think, “Hmmm, I have also had that fear.”  You see, this one is a single mother of three daughters who still need her very much on the physical plane and will for many years to come.  This one desires to awaken but not to leave the planet.  Maybe some of you, even many of you, feel the same.

Of course, dear ones, there is no need for you to leave your physical bodies no matter how quickly you begin to vibrate.  As you have heard time and time again, this is the life where many of you have agreed to assume your cloak of light while staying solidly in your physical vessels.  We guarantee you will not vibrate out of your physical bodies unless that is your desire.  For we know as you know that some of you will choose to leave the physical plane in order to be of service on the other side of the veil or to ready yourselves to reincarnate in a new body when the time is ripe.

Earth’s Vibrational Changes

In the meantime, here you are.  You are Spirit in physical form, vibrating faster and faster, while the sentience of the Earth is also in physical form vibrating faster and faster.  You each wish to awaken, to become All That You Are while in physical form; and you each are experiencing the growing pains of this higher vibrating reality.  You call your growing pains Vibrational Sickness, and Mother Earth calls her growing pains Earth changes.  Each of you is encountering blocks and resistance to the higher vibrations which you deal with through physical symptoms and changes.

The sentience of the planet is in the process of taking large in-breaths and out-breaths as she rides the waves of the higher vibrations.  On her in-breaths, there are what seem to be cataclysmic events occurring on the planet as volcanoes erupt and earthquakes rumble, shake, and split the face of the Earth.  Tsunami’s and rogue waves break upon the sea and land, while the land itself is rising and lowering simultaneously in many places.

Then, on her out-breaths, weather patterns are changed:  tornados, blizzards, records temperatures, hurricane-force winds, and many other instances of violent, unusual weather patterns are occurring.  There are many areas whose resources are being stretched unmercifully as they battle severe weather conditions that go on and on.

We wish we could tell you that the disruptions from these in-breaths and out-breaths will begin to lessen in the near future.  Unfortunately, we can only tell you our truth as we see it in this now moment.  That truth is that these disruptions will continue to increase over the next 18 to 36 months as the Earth’s sentience awakens and totally integrates the vastness of light she will be carrying.  We do not tell you this to promote fear–just the opposite.  We share this with you so that you may open your hearts to the planet in compassion for what she is birthing just as we wish you to open your hearts for what you are birthing within yourselves.  You each have the same intention—to awaken and become your greatest light.  You are each doing so to the best of your abilities.

Finding Compassion for the Earth and Yourselves

As you find it within yourself to have more compassion for what she is going through during her birthing crisis, our greatest wish for you is that you also have more compassion for you and your own unique birthing process.  For we tell you truly that as you find fault with your physical symptoms, as you rile against yourselves for your supposed weaknesses, as you condemn yourselves for not living in more grace and with less pain, you actually increase your symptoms of vibrational distress because you offer up more resistance to what is attempting to flow through you for your greatest good.

Energy Flow vs. Resistance

Previously in our post to you entitled, “Vibrational Sickness and Suggested Ways to Cope,” we mentioned several changes in your daily routine of food, water, and exercise that will assist you in more easily dealing with the symptoms you experience from the great increase in vibration that is currently occurring on the planet.  At the same time, we spoke to you about ways to release invalid belief systems and patterns of being that no longer serve you and which have the effect of blocking the flow of energy as it attempts to fully incorporate in your physical bodies.

We now wish to expound even more on the subject of resistance.  Energy flows.  The current higher-vibrating energies that are coming onto the planet more and more each day are programmed to flow through your cerebral cortex to the pineal gland, through your meridian lines, and out through the chakras on the base of your feet into the Earth and her meridian lines.  They are programmed to flow, so they travel through your vibratory field, enter into your physical bodies at your cerebral cortex, flow to your pineal gland, and then follow the pathways of energy in your physical bodies known as your energy meridian lines.  If they meet with no resistance, they flow smoothly and easily through your energy lines and into the earth so that you act as a conductor/conduit for your own awakening and for the planet’s awakening.

If there are people of your acquaintance who appear to be becoming more serene, more light, more in tune with all of life in a gentle and easy manner, then these are fortunate souls who have little or no resistance to the new energies and are allowing them to flow naturally.  As this occurs, they become more of light and peace and love; they totally live in the moment with the knowledge that all is well in their world.

Resistance Creates Energetic Traffic Jams

For the many who are experiencing oftentimes severe physical and emotional illness and trauma in association with the new energies, the energy as it flows is encountering resistance in the form of belief systems, family patterns, alterations in DNA, and other blocks that are causing the energies to either find other routes to the Earth or are causing backups within the energy much like a traffic jam on your interstate highways.  These traffic jams prevent the energy from moving forward at normal speed until they are cleared.

How do you clear these traffic jams, these roadblocks within your energy systems?  We mentioned a few ways in our previous post but wish to go into more detail at this time.  For as our Human Presence says, she and we are all about tools of empowerment to help during these exciting and yet challenging times.  We have been over some of these before, but we wish to remind you once more for we truly wish for your discomfort to lessen.

Clearing the Resistance

Protein. We suggest that for most of you it is necessary at this time to increase your protein intake.  We do not care whether the protein is plant or animal or a mixture of each, your bodies need the extra energy in order to process the huge amounts of additional vibrational energy they are absorbing each day.  We know your government and health officials have issued many guidelines for the amount of protein you are to eat each day, and we are not giving you medical advice by any means.  Always consult your healthcare providers when needed.  We just wish for you also to check with your own body on a daily basis to see if you are receiving as much protein as your body desires.

Muscle Testing and Connecting with Your Intuition

Ways to do this is include connecting with your intuition and muscle testing.  At the end of this channeling, we will include a tool from our Human Presence for connecting with your intuition to ask yes/no questions about your diet as well as any other questions you have about your body and your life.   As for the muscle testing, our Human Presence will post a page on one simple muscle-testing technique to use in asking yes/no questions.  It is our wish that you use one or both or another method of your choice to empower yourselves to determine what your bodies really need at any moment in time.

Greens. As with the protein, we ask that you consult your body on a daily basis as to whether you are eating enough high-energy greens in your diet.  The need for organic, high-quality greens for the health and well-being of your body is going up exponentially as your vibration raises.  It does not matter if you receive the majority of your greens from actually leafy vegetables or in powder or capsule form or a combination of the three as long as you are getting what your body needs.  Once again, muscle test and/or ask your intuition for what your body needs on a daily basis.  Those needs really can and do change daily.  These high-energy greens give your cells the energy they need to be healthy and active as well as energetically grounding your physical body more on the planet.

Water. Drink plenty of good, pure water every day.  A rule of thumb some people suggest is half of your body weight in ounces but once again, everyone is different and every day is different.  Check in with your own body; ask it.  If you are willing to listen, it is willing to tell you.  What we can almost guarantee for the majority of people who are reading this information is that currently, you are not drinking enough water.

Are you aware of the fact that most people in the United States today are walking around dehydrated and do not even know it?  Are you aware that by the time your body tells you you’re thirsty you are already dehydrated?  Are you aware that the tissues in your brain actually shrink when you become dehydrated which affects your memory, your clarity of thought, your health, and your ability to process these higher vibrating energies that are entering your cerebral cortex and pineal gland?  We cannot stress enough the importance of adding more pure, fresh water to your daily diet.

Exercise. We feel it is essential for you to walk or swim or get some sort of exercise daily.  We know that many of you feel too tired to do so and that it is difficult for you even think about the energy it takes to do so, but we implore you to do so however you can.  (And once again, check with your healthcare professional.)

There are DVDs that you can follow for walking a half mile, one mile, two miles or more.   These you can follow in the comfort of your home and at your own pace.  Or as the weather allows, get out and walk around your block, then a half mile, working up to whatever distance is most comfortable for you.  Swing your arms and get your circulation going.  Move your body in whatever way works best for you.  You will find it grounds you more fully in your body and on the planet; it gets your circulation moving; it releases emotional and energetic blocks, and so much more.  We cannot stress enough its importance.

Energetic Resistance. Energetic resistance comes in many forms and is experienced in many ways in the body.  Over the next few days, we wish for you to begin to look at where you are experiencing resistance in your body.  Is it in your sinuses, your lungs, your head, your gallbladder, kidneys or liver, your reproductive organs, your circulation, your joints, your muscles, your heart, or another part or parts of your body?  Notice where you feel you are blocked.  Are they the same places every day or do the blocks seem to move?  Do you experience the blocks as pain, tightness, difficulty, heaviness, irritability, or something else?  Are there any feelings or emotions associated with these areas?  Take the time to notice and write down where your blocks are, the intensity of the pain or discomfort, how long it lasts, the emotions/feelings involved, and anything else that comes up about it.

Give Us Feedback on Your Experience of Resistance

Chart your resistance for three days.  Then we ask you to either leave a comment on this blog or email our Human Presence (info@karenlaruemoye.com) what you discovered about the resistance in your body over those three days.   It does not need to be a long explanation.  Just include where you feel the block or resistance, your experience of it as far as pain, discomfort, etc, whether there are any emotions attached to it, and how long you have been experiencing it.

We will read your responses and then reply in a future post with tools you can use to begin to work energetically with these blocks to dissolve and remove them once and for all.  We wish to customize our suggestions to our readers, so we ask you for your feedback.

It is our greatest desire to be of service to you at this time.

I AM My Greater Presence”


From Karen LaRue Moye

I’m going to introduce you to a lovely tool to assist you in connecting with your intuition, your own inner knowing.  This process is wonderful for helping you to get a yes or no answer for decisions you need to make every day in life.  Here are just a few ways you can use this technique:

  • To see if it is in your highest good to pursue a relationship
  • To see if it is in your highest good to make a certain purchase
  • To see if a certain food or supplement is for your highest good
  • To see if a certain healer, psychic, doctor, or other professional is the right one for you
  • To see if the timing is right for something in your life
  • To see if it is for your highest good to go to a particular workshop or to begin a new area of study

and much more.  I think you get the picture.

Now, as you are aware, each of us has a higher aspect of ourselves that knows everything about us past, present, and future.  This aspect goes by many names—Higher Self, Soul, our God essence, etc.  And more non-spiritual names include our intuition or our gut feeling.  By whatever name you call it, this part of you knows without a doubt which of your next steps will be for your highest good.

Unfortunately, in our world, we are not taught how to listen to and honor this amazing, infinitely wise part of ourselves.  So, I offer you the following technique as an introduction to working with your own inner knowing.

First, I would like for you to find a comfortable place to sit—on a chair, your bed, on the floor, wherever you will be comfortable.  Sit up straight with your shoulders back, your chin at 90 degrees, your eyes closed, and make sure that you are not leaning against the back of a chair or against pillows.  You should not have anything touching your back, which will give your body room to move.

Next, think about a question you have.  It can be anything; is it for my highest good to read this book, date this man, buy this car, get my hair cut short.  Think about a question that you most want a yes or no answer to right now.  Decide what it is you wish to ask and then let it go.  Put the question aside.

Now, take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Breathe slowly, deeply, evenly.  As you breathe, empty your mind as much as you possibly can.  Just concentrate on your breath and on how solid and comfortable you feel in the moment.  Just breathe–in and out, in and out.

You are relaxed and comfortable.

From this place of relaxation, think again about your question.  State it in this way

“Is it for my highest good (and then fill in the blank).”

Hold the question, the man or woman, the new car, the book, the food or supplement, whatever it is, hold it out in front of you energetically.  With your eyes closed see it or sense it.  Ask again, “Is it for my highest good (fill in the blank).”

Now, don’t think about an answer or about the pros and cons of it, just hold it out in front of you energetically and listen to your body.  Your experience will be unique to you but here are a few possible sensations you may experience:

For a yes,

  • Your upper body may move forward toward what it is you are questioning
  • You may feel a lightness or rightness
  • Your body may not move, but you feel as though you are moving toward it
  • You may experience an easing or a releasing of tension in your body.

For a no,

  • You may feel your upper body move away from what it is you are questioning
  • You may feel a heaviness or a distaste for the thing or person
  • Your upper body may not move, but you feel as though you are moving away from it
  • You may experience a tightening, a tensing, or an anxiety in your body.

Just really take the time to be aware of your body and what it is trying to tell you.  If you and your body remain neutral, then it may not matter one way or the other about the thing or person.  Or you may need to rephrase the question.  Remember to keep it open for a yes or no response.

After you have received your answer, you can ask other questions, or if you are finished for now, than your Spirit, your Higher Self for the assistance and let this part of you know that you appreciate and trust its advice and you will be asking more questions in the future.

I hope you enjoy this communication with your intuition, your Sprit, and that you remember to ask this all-knowing part of yourself whenever you have a question about your life.

Many blessings to you on this wonderful journey called life.



If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a Channeled Reading, a One Email Question, or a healing session with Karen and My Greater Presence, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment.

Posted in Channeling, Meditation, Vibrational Sickness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Stop. Breathe. Ground. Revisiting the Basics

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  So be it and so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  It is our great joy to share with you on this beautiful day.  We have asked our Human Presence to bring forth a blog post we helped her to create a couple of months ago for another blog because this is the time to revisit helpful tools and information.  This is the perfect time for each of you to revisit tools that have helped you in the past to stay centered and balanced in your lives.

An Age-Old Metaphor

As you are already aware, there is much that is being “kicked up” in your personal lives as well as in the life of the mass consciousness and the physical and sentient aspects of the Earth.  If we were to give a visual metaphor for the energies as we see them at this time, then it would be of the three Fates from your mythology, stirring a huge kettle.  There are so many energies that are being “stirred up.”  There are so many ingredients—higher vibrating energies, increased discomfort with old energies that no longer serve, fear, anxiety, hope, and joy—that are being added to the whole of conscious creation.  As these ingredients are added, the “soup” changes form and function, and you as an infinite being having a physical experience on the Earth are feeling as though you are being pushed and pulled to and fro as you are stirred in with all of the other ingredients.

Does this make sense to you?  Can you relate to our metaphor?  Do you see that it explains why many times you feel yourself dizzy and/or headachy for no apparent reason?  You are part of an energetic soup of possibilities and probabilities for the coming age.

The Importance of Energy Tools in these Changing Times

It will be easy during this intense and sometimes trying time to lose sight of yourself, your goals and intentions, your health, your relationships, and your path on the planet.  It will be easy to lose your centeredness and balance.  That is why tried-and-true tools will be so important.  That is why you will be reminded to eat well, drink lots of water, and take time-out for yourself.  You know these things.  You’ve heard them time and again, but dear friends, our question to you is, “Are you doing them?”  You are being reminded so that they will once more come into your conscious awareness, and you will begin to use these tools to assist you in moving forward through the “soup” in a way that serves all of who you are and all of you that you are birthing upon the planet at this time.

So when you begin to lose patience with us and say, “But My Greater Presence, I know all that already!”  We do not doubt you for a moment.  We just ask you to ask yourself, “I know this information so well but am I actually using this information and these tools to help improve my life?”

We promise there will be much new information for you in these posts.  We also promise that we will remind you of many things as well.  In truth, you already “know” everything that we will ever say in these posts; we are just helping you to remember All That You Are.

Since you are at the beginning of a New Year and a New World and many of you have or will make new resolutions and plans for change in your life, we feel this is the perfect time to resubmit the following information from Karen, our Human Presence.

You are loved and supported beyond your comprehension.  Relax into that knowingness and be.

I AM My Greater Presence

Stop.  Breathe.  Ground.

From Karen LaRue Moye: Have you ever noticed how as soon as you make a goal or decide to change something in your life, everything seems to rise up within you and your life in order to keep you from achieving that goal or change?  I know you know what I’m talking about.  I’m sure the same thing happens in your life.  You set a goal or you decide to make a major change in your life, and then all of a sudden, doubts, invalid beliefs, and old patterns creep up within you, and every time-consuming event known to human beings invades your life.  If you’re saying to yourself, “Yeah, been there, done that,” then this post is for you.

First, I want to take some of the energy out of your probable response of wanting to beat yourself up about this as you bang your head against the wall wondering why you can’t ever seem to achieve your goals.  I’m here to tell you to stop the head-banging.  Stop the tendency to beat yourself up or to focus on all the ways you don’t do it right or that you don’t follow through on your dreams and goals.  Give yourself a break, because you can’t help it.  That’s right.  As human beings, we are programmed for self-sabotage.  Ninety-six percent of our brain power is in our subconscious which leaves us with only 4% for our conscious mind, our will, and our desire to create change in our lives.

It’s a proven fact that every time you make a goal or a plan to change something in your life, every belief, concept, thought, and pattern you hold in your subconscious that does not believe you can achieve your goal or the change you seek raises its petty head.  Beliefs you didn’t even know you had rise up front and center to stand between you and your goal.  And since your subconscious mind is so strong that it can process beliefs and thoughts hundreds of thousands of times faster than your conscious mind, your conscious mind and your will barely stand a chance.

Does this mean you should give up?  Stop making goals for yourself?  Just simply limp along with the status quo of your life?  Heck no!  Absolutely not.  We are infinite beings of Spirit, Love, and Grace who have taken on human form in order to grow, learn, and experience this game called Life on Earth.  Every one of us has aspects of invalid beliefs, thoughts, and patterns that are contrary to our goals and dreams, but we also have the ability to effect lasting change in ourselves and in our lives.

So what do you do when you’ve made a goal for yourself or you open yourself up to the infinite possibilities of life, and you are suddenly under siege by people and events in your life as well as doubts, fears, and false beliefs?  You Stop.  Breathe.  Ground.

Stop.  For a few moments; stop whatever you are doing and find some place where you will be undisturbed for a few minutes and will be comfortable.  Please note:  This is not the time to be operating heavy machinery!

Breathe.   It is time to focus on you and your breath.  So many times, when we get busy with our lives, with our days, we forget to breathe.  We hold our breath until our bodies make us breathe.  For the next few minutes, I want your breathing to be totally conscious.

Take a deep in-breath in through your nose; fill your lungs and hold it briefly.  Now, exhale through your mouth, completely releasing all of the air from your lungs.  Continue to breathe in this conscious way:  In through your nose, out through your mouth.

Ground. Allow any thoughts that may come to you to be released on your out-breath.  Focus on your breathing and on your body.  Feel your breath fill your lungs, your body, and your field on your in-breath.  Feel your lungs release the air on your out-breath.  Allow the air to totally fill your body.  Feel how solid your body is becoming.  Feel the chair or seat beneath you.  Feel your arms and hands, your torso, your legs and your feet.  Feel your feet firmly on the floor, on the ground.  Come completely into your body as you focus on your breathing.

Know you are safe.  Sense the connectedness you have with your body.  If old feelings of distrust of your physical body come up, allow yourself to release these feelings and thoughts on your out-breath.  It is safe now to come fully into your body.  Your body is your friend.  Reintroduce yourself.  Concentrate on your breathing.  Concentrate on your body.

Now, on your next in-breath, see, feel, sense, know (however it works for you) that your breath is filling your body and your field and mixing with the subtle energies that are unique to you, and then as you release the breath, focus the energy down through your body, your legs, and out your feet to the Earth.  On each out-breath, you will be focusing it out through your body and into the Earth.  Ground your energy into the Mother.  Fully be here now in this moment.

Allow the energy of the Earth to mix with your subtle energy.  As you take your next in breath, see, feel, sense, the mixed energy of Mother Earth and you being pulled back up through your feet, into your legs, into your body, up into your head, and out the top of your head, your crown, and allow this energy to flow through your crown to your higher aspects and to the Divine.  As your Mother Earth/You energy mixes with that of the Divine, on your next in-breath, pull this beautiful new energy of light and love back through your crown and into your body.  Then breathe it back through your body and into Mother Earth.  As above, so below.

Keep this cycle of energy going–through your body into the Earth and then from the Earth through your body to the Divine.  Experience how refreshed, grounded, and solid you now feel.  From this place, you can make any challenge into an opportunity and bring more positive people and events to your experience during your day.  This is you.  This is your energy.  Enjoy it.

Until next time, breathe deep and ground.

In love and light,


If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a reading with My Greater Presence or have questions, please call Karen at 575-770-5698 or email her at info@karenlaruemoye.com to schedule an appointment.  You may also ask a One Email Question by visiting her website atwww.karenlaruemoye.com.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment.

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Vibrational Sickness, Part 2: An Energy-Rich Meditation

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  So be it and so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  This one, our Human Presence, took a bit of a break in order to incorporate a large surge of new energy that was downloaded into her on Thursday and Friday.  She struggled as she experienced extreme low energy, shakiness, the inability to sleep more than a two or three hours at a time, and the inability to be present enough to spend the time required to channel us for this blog.  It is an occurrence that many of you have experienced and we feel you can empathize with her plight.

How did she cope?  Through attention to her diet—increase in her protein and greens intake as well as an increase in the amount of water she had been drinking–exercise through walking upon the Earth alongside a gurgling stream of water in a lovely area here in Ashland, Oregon, known as Lithia Park, as well as being good to herself by allowing herself to rest and regain her equilibrium.

How do you honor yourself during these intense and sometimes turbulent energetic times?  How do you take care of your personal needs?

In our last transmission to you, we gave you suggestions on how to cope with Vibrational Sickness.  Many of you have written to say that you were touched and helped by this information.  We are truly glad for it is our greatest wish and purpose to be of assistance during these times of Awakening.

We wish to continue along these lines for a bit longer since it seems to be a topic on the minds of many who are currently reading this blog as well as those who will read it in the future.  We believe it is of upmost importance that the 100s of thousands of you who are negatively impacted by Vibrational Sickness, Environmental Illness and Sensitivity, as well as stressed Adrenals begin to come back into alignment with the truth of who you truly are—whole, perfect beings having an experience of physical challenge in this moment in time.

Dear friends, first know that you are loved and supported beyond measure.  We see you for the light you truly are.  We know you as the masters you truly are.  We hear you and applaud the brilliance of your beingness.  We hold the vibration of you for you.  It is time to begin to accept who you truly are and to come into alignment with your wholeness.

A Special, Energy-Rich Meditation

(An audio of the meditation follows the written one)

Be in this moment within your physical presence.  Breathe deeply into your physical body at this time.  Allow your focus and your breath to be in your physical body where you sit or lay at this time.  Breathe and come fully into your physical body.  Feel your body.  If you are experiencing pain in your muscles, joints, organs, or other areas of your body, send love to those aches and pain.  Breathe light and love into every part of your physical body.  Keep breathing and focusing on your breathing and on truly coming into your body until you feel the connection and the solidness of your body.  As you continue to breathe, allow your breath to fill your body and to continue down your legs, into your feet, and out the bottom of your feet.

Allow your energy to flow into Mother Earth; connect her energy with your energy and truly feel how you agreed to be here in physicality at this time.  Remember that you stood in the front of the line and said, “Choose me!  I wish more than anything to be of assistance to the planet and to humanity at this pivotal time.  Choose me!”  Do you remember?  Mother Earth remembers.  She remembers your excitement and dedication.  She welcomes your energy now.

If you are willing, Mother Earth will combine her energy with yours and send you her love, support, and nourishment in the co-mingling of your energies.  Allow this co-mingled energy to flow back up through the chakras in the bottom of your feet, up through your legs, and throughout your body and into your field, your aura.  Visualize this wonderful energy as a rich dark green, a life-giving and life-nourishing Earth energy that is the Mother’s gift to you.

Know that you may access this energy any time you desire its nourishing support.  Know that it is here for you in such a way as to assist you in acclimating the new energies and beginning the healing process in your body.  Think of it as high-energy greens in an energetic form that nourish every cell in your body.  This is Mother Earth’s gift to you.  If it is your choice, receive it, and allow it to assist you at this very important time.

We have added a version of the above mediation as an audio on this blog to assist you at this time.  We hope you find it to be of assistance in your healing process.

It is with great joy that we interact with each one of you.  You are truly and unconditionally loved.

I AM My Greater Presence

If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a reading with My Greater Presence or have questions, please call Karen at 575-770-5698 or email her at info@karenlaruemoye.com to schedule an appointment.  You may also ask a One Email Question by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  It may be shared as long as credit is given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment.

Posted in Channeling, Meditation, Vibrational Sickness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Vibrational Sickness and Suggested Ways to Cope

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  So be it and so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  We interrupt our regularly scheduled message [Part 2 of Suggestions for Possibilities for 2011] to bring you this important announcement—Vibrational Sickness is alive and well amongst you!

Symptoms of Vibrational Sickness

How many of you have been “suffering” with increased anxiety, extremely low levels of energy, colds, flu-like symptoms, sleeplessness or the desire to sleep all the time, depression, intestinal cleansing, night sweats, and other such symptoms?  Karen, our Human Presence, has been experiencing many of these symptoms over a period of the last few months but increasingly since the beginning of the New Year of 2011.

She has been explaining them away as symptoms of pre-menopause, not enough sleep, adjusting to our energy (!), the Oregon winter, the New Moon, the Full Moon, and any other “excuse” she can come up with at the time.  We love her so!!!  Have you also been coming up with similar excuses for the way you have been experiencing your physical body in the recent days, weeks, and months?

For this one, yesterday was filled with many of the above symptoms and after waking this morning to help get her girls off to school, she decided to lie down on her bed to take an hour-long nap to help her restore her energy for the rest of the day.  Unfortunately (as she would term it), we took the opportunity of her resting to bring this idea of Vibrational Sickness into her consciousness so that she would have to get up from her bed and type out this message for her and for each of you.  Please do not feel sorry for her for we also gave her an energy boost that was much more invigorating than her nap would have been.

We feel that this is the perfect time to share this idea of Vibrational Sickness with you.  It is not a new concept for many of you.  You have spent years experiencing symptoms and reading other channels discussing these symptoms with each new shift and increase of energy on planet Earth.  This is more of the same and yet different.

2011, as we have already begun to share with you. has heralded in an unprecedented time of change and growth.  The new energies and vibrations that were emerging upon the Earth in 2010 and before are nothing in comparison to what is beginning to be experienced now.  And these more intense energies and vibrations will increase continuously over the next year and beyond.  You are being amped up dear friends!  Amped up in a way you have not yet experienced.  Amped up so that you truly will be ready to take your place within the higher vibrating energies of the New Earth; amped up so that you will awaken to All That You Are during this physical incarnation.

It is exciting, is it not?  Knowing that what you have been waiting for and working towards for 5, 10, 20, or even 30 years is imminent?  Exciting, yes, but is there also a shimmer of trepidation and of fear?  It is normal to feel this way dear friends; do not worry.  To feel a bit of fear and trepidation at this time will not keep you from awakening or from taking your place within the New Earth.  It is just showing you a place that needs your love and acceptance as well as the information that we are about to share with you, for fear is an indicator of lack of knowledge and understanding.  Let us help to give you that knowledge and understanding so you may replace the fear with a sure knowing of how to move forward at this time.

As of 01-01-11, the Earth entered a totally new phase of experience and evolution.  This is the year you have all been waiting for; this is the year that all who dwell on this side of the veil has been waiting for.  2012 in many ways will seem anti-climactic to what will occur during this year of 2011.

The Opening of the Seal

On New Year’s Day, a seal was opened.  This cosmic, Divine seal had been placed eons ago on the Creator’s contract for the evolution in consciousness of planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  The seal was placed with the knowledge that it would not be broken until New Year’s Day 2011 when human consciousness and vibration would have evolved to a state where it could handle the contract being opened and enacted.  Thankfully, human consciousness is at that point and the seal was broken; the contract was opened on New Year’s Day.

Dear friends, this means that the Earth and all who dwell upon her have entered a Divinely orchestrated time of expansion and awakening.  Even when all around you there seem to be more and more signs of chaos and the breaking down of the very fabric of human integrity, honor, and existence, you have entered into a time that will bring the antithesis of what you are currently experiencing.  You have entered the true birthing of the New Earth, the dawning of the Age of Awakening.  And at no other time in the history of humanity on this planet have the vibrations been increasing at such a rate.  You truly are being amped up, so you can take your unique place in the Age of Awakening as it was decided when the contract was first sealed.  Each individual on the planet is totally unique and totally connected to every other individual.  It is through the combining of the almost 7 billion unique individual paths on the planet that the New Earth will be birthed.  All are equally important.

There will be more information on the Age of Awakening in future channelings, but for now, we wish to return to the situation at hand—the Vibrational Sickness.  Because the seal on the contract has been broken, because the dawn of the Age of Awakening is here, because the energies are more intense than they have been at any other time on the planet, many if not most of you are experiencing the effects of the increase in vibration as extreme discomfort and/or illness in your physical bodies.

Although these symptoms may not be new to you, we would wager that they are feeling more intense to you at this time.  For many of you, we know this is not an easy time for you in many areas of your lives and having these increased symptoms on top of everything else makes it even more difficult.  We send you our love and support and understanding.  We also give you these suggestions for how to cope with your physical symptoms.

Suggestions for Coping with the Symptoms of Vibrational Sickness

Increase Water Intake

First, we suggest you increase your intake of pure, clean water.  Yes, we realize you are always being told to drink more water for one reason or another, but dear friends, you rarely do!  There is a reason you are asked to drink more water—your body needs and demands it.  Most of you need to increase your daily intake 25% to 50% compared to what you are currently drinking.

In connection with the increase in the vibrational energies, increased water consumption will assist in balancing your electro-magnetic field which will assist in lessening your anxieties.  It will also help with the elimination of toxic energy and waste from your bodies that are the result of your current environment, your thoughts, and the energies that bombard you through your interactions with others as well as through your media.  Water is the ultimate cleanser of toxic emotions.

Another way we suggest you use water at this time is during your daily shower.  As you are standing beneath the water spray, visualize each drop of water as pure light and as these droplets of light run down your body, see any energy that is toxic or of any color except clear or white attaching to the droplets of light and being carried off your body and down the drain.  Intend that any energies or toxicities that are ready to be released at that time be released completely and replaced by light.  And know that as you intend, so it is!

Exercise Daily

Next, we suggest you exercise (in accordance with your health and available energy) every day in some form.  It does not matter what form the exercise takes or for how long, we just encourage you to move your body through dance, walking, jogging, cycling, playing with your children or your dog, or taking the stairs rather than the elevator at work.

Moving your body every day has a two-fold effect:  First, it gets your heart pumping, which increases the flow of blood and oxygen through your body which brings nutrients and life-supporting energy to all areas of your body; and second, it keeps the new energies and higher vibrations from coming into your body and then stagnating and causing discomfort.  You are constantly taking in these new, higher vibrating energies and if you do not move your bodies so that they can be acclimated and used in a healthy way, the energies stagnate and cause muscle and joint pain as well as other symptoms of physical discomfort.

If you sit at a desk all day, get up once an hour and stretch and move your body.  Walk up and down a flight of stairs.  Do some stretching exercises.  Get a glass of water.  Move your body on a regular basis.  If your health limits what you can do, do what you can and try to do a little bit more every day.


If you resonate with these, you might consider using these mantras daily:

“I AM the creation of wellness in my body.”

“I AM the creation of flow in my body.”

“I AM the creation of ease in my life.”

“I AM the creation of creation in my life.”

Eat Well

We suggest you consider eating four or five, smaller, healthy meals per day rather than eating three large meals or skipping meals.  Eat more foods that are grown closer to home and that are in season.  Try to limit you intake of processed foods, white sugar and flour, and empty calories.

There are no guidelines to eating meat or not eating meat—one is not better or more spiritual than the other.  Some human bodies need meat protein in order to thrive and be healthy and others do not.  Our one thought concerning animal protein is that the animal protein you eat be from animals that are humanely and lovingly cared for without hormones, antibiotics, and the like, and that are fed naturally.

We encourage you to listen to your body and its needs and to realize that its needs may change on a daily basis.  As you become more in tune with your own body’s needs, you will know exactly how to feed it. 

Be Aware of Resistance

Resistance in your body and in your energy field increases your physical reactions to the vibrational increases that you are experiencing.  When you are in resistance or fighting against something whether it is a person, event, or thought, you place energetic blocks within your body’s meridian lines and these blocks can cause physical and emotional pain and trauma.  So we encourage you to become more aware of those places where you are in resistance, where you are seeking to control situations or other people, where you are busy attempting to swim upstream rather than relax and go with Universal flow downstream.

Use the tools you know and are comfortable with to become aware of your resistance and to release it.  These tools may include breathing and meditative techniques, energy medicine tools such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Meridian Tapping) and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), acupuncture, body work, and many, many more.  Become aware of every place in your life where you have resistance to people, events, things, and concepts, and then do everything in your power to release that resistance.  Then, as energy moves unheeded throughout your energy meridian system, you are able to incorporate changes in energy and vibration much more effortlessly.

Your Intent is All-Important

The last and perhaps the most important suggestion we have for you in coping with the symptoms of vibrational sickness centers around your intent.  There are many of you who have been on your spiritual path for many years and even for decades who have a false belief whether consciously or unconsciously that to suffer physically with these symptoms of vibrational sickness is a sign you are a person who is more sensitive to energy than most, that it is a sign that you are more spiritually evolved than others, or more in tune with the new vibrations than others.  We wish to tell you quite lovingly that it is just another aspect of the invalid belief that “one must suffer in order to earn God’s love.”

You are whole, complete, and unconditionally loved in this moment in time.  You do not have to do, be, or have anything other than who you are as a unique part of the Divine.  You are perfect now and becoming more perfect all the time.  Accept that.  Give yourself permission for your transition into the Age of Awakening to be one of grace and ease.  You have permission to allow it to be easy.  Make it your intent that this transition is easy for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and it will be.   We encourage you to give yourselves this gift, dear friends.  You will thank yourselves for it.

It is with great joy that we interact with each one of you.  You are truly and unconditionally loved.

I AM My Greater Presence

If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please click on the About tab and leave your comment on the form at the bottom of that page.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog [www.mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com] so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a reading with My Greater Presence or have questions, please call Karen at 575-770-5698 or email her at info@karenlaruemoye.com to schedule an appointment.  You may also visit her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.

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Predictions for 2011 or Suggestions for Possibilities for 2011

I invoke the I AM.  I invoke My Greater Presence.  I invoke the highest good for planet Earth and all who dwell upon her.  So be it and so it is.

Greetings dear friends!  It is with great excitement and joy that we come forth to you today.  We are very excited about this journey we are beginning together.  This year of 2011 is a wondrous time in your history and evolution; in fact, there has been nothing to rival the possibilities that are currently available to the planet Earth as well as to each unique individual who lives upon her.  Many of you have heard others refer to this year as the Year of Awakening, and we wholeheartedly agree with this title.  It is a year of awakening to all that you are, awakening to all that your New Earth holds for you, awakening to the power of creation that each of you holds.  What wonderful fun!  What wonderful possibilities.

That is why we term this message our “Suggestions for Possibilities for 2011” because each of you is creating in every moment what is to come in this year cycle, and you can easily change what we are currently seeing if that is your desire.  Have you not heard that as soon as a prediction is made, it already begins to change as those who “hear” the prediction have their individual responses–both positive and challenging–to the vibration of the message?  So in taking that into your consideration, we present you with our thoughts on this individual-changing and world-changing year of 2011.

The Economy

Your individual country and world economies are at a crossroads.  You read every day in your newspapers, your blogs, and your online news sources that the United States economy is in recovery and that the economies of other countries such as Greece, Ireland, and Portugal or in dire need of assistance and bailouts.  Even with the supposed “bettering economic news” in the United States, most of you continue to see rising prices for necessities such as food and fuel, stagnating wages, and a furthering of unemployment.  Many of you are asking yourselves where your economic recovery is.  When will it affect my life and my bank account in a positive way?

Dear friends, the United States is now part of the global economy and the global economy is in the throes of massive change and transformation.  Many of you will agree that the current economic system is no longer working and that changes must be made that benefit the greatest number of inhabitants of each country.  As with any major transformational and energetic change, there are growing pains, and you have not seen the end to these growing pains within the United States or within the other participants in the global economy.  There are more to come.

We do not tell you this with the aim of putting you into more fear than you are experiencing already for we do not see these changes as cause for fear.  Fear is the absence of love.  Love is absent when knowledge and understanding are absent and when there is a feeling of separation.  Please realize that the changes in your economy are coming about so that each one of you can see ever more clearly that you are not separate from one another.  Every human being on this planet in irrevocably linked to every other human being on the planet.  You always have been and you always will be.  What affects one group of people will affect every other group in one way or another whether it is felt immediately or not.  As you begin to embrace this awareness that you are all one, you will begin to work together energetically and physically to bring positive change throughout the world.

So, you may say, “My Greater Presence, that is all well and good, but I have been suffering because of the recession.  I do not have as much money as I wish to have or I do not have a job or I am struggling.  And now you say there are going to be more changes?  How will I cope?  How will I survive?”

Dear friends, we hear your anguish and we send our love and support to you.  Know that it is truth when we say, in 2011 everything is possible.  We will say it again, in 2011 anything and everything is possible.  Take a moment to notice where you are with your job, with your finances.  Where are you in resistance?  Where are you fighting to swim upstream rather than surrendering and going with Universal flow?  Where are you fighting when it comes to your personal economy?  Where do you limit yourself by telling yourself over and over again the same old stories?  Where do you place your personal power in the hands of your boss, your clients, your country by saying “I can’t change what is happening to me?”

You are the creator of your reality in every moment of every day.  You have heard time and again that your thoughts create your reality.  It is time to finally take full responsibility for your life, your health, your relationships, and your finances.  Say to yourself:  “I AM the creator of my greatest good.  I AM the creator of my well-being.  I AM the creator of my prosperity.  I AM the creator of my life.”  Say it.  Own it.  Live it.  Be it.  And watch your finances and your life change.

To those you who have been depending on your 9-to-5 job to pay your bills, we suggest that you begin to diversify and not to put all of your eggs in one basket.  A large percentage of you have a passion, a talent, a hobby that you spend your free time enjoying.  It may be painting or woodworking or writing or gardening or jewelry design or teaching yoga classes.  It may be any of a thousand different things.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  Just take note of where you put your interest, your time, your energy when you are not at your job.  This is where your interests are and this is where you have passion in your life.  Take this passion, talent, and/or hobby and begin to develop it.  How can you make it into a side business or how can you offer it as a service to others that they are willing to give you something in return?

This is one way you will ride out the coming economic changes.  Use your intuition, your gut knowing to find that which you enjoy doing and do it.  As corporations break up and fall away, you will have your passion to fall back on.  And this, dear friends, is how the new United States economy and the new global economy will begin to come about—one passion at a time.

Personal Power

2011 is the Year of Awakening to Your Personal Power.  Power for many has negative connotations and for many others it is something to be avoided in oneself.  Many feel that it is more spiritual, more friendly, more acceptable to deny one’s personal power for fear that one will abuse that power, that it will be more than they can control if they allow it to move forward confidently in the world.  Please know that this is old programming meant to keep each of you in a place of servitude and powerlessness.  It is now time to truly own your personal power as the creator that you are, as the being of love and light that you are, as the god force that you are.

Astrologically and energetically, 2011 will be the year of awakening to your personal intuitive power.  Have you already begun to have more and more experiences of prophetic dreams, knowing that something is about to happen, and/or thinking about someone or something and then having them/it materialize in your experience?  This is only the beginning dear friends.  The veils are thinning as never before in the experience of the planet, and the support for your awakening as the clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, telekinetic being that you are is without boundaries.  All of you and all of your guides and angels are supporting you in becoming the divine, intuitive being that you have always been meant to be.

Your intuitive awakening is happening already and will continue to happen throughout this year and beyond.  Some of you will incorporate this knowing and connection effortlessly in your lives, while others of you will need a bit of assistance.  Do not worry for there will be many to assist you with techniques, tools, exercises, and information.  This will be how many such as our channel will use their passion and abilities in the developing of the new economy.

The Ability to Create as Never Before

Along with the opening to your intuitive and psychic powers will be the opening to ever-more instant manifestation.  The old adage of “be careful what you wish for” will be truer in 2011 than at any other time in human history.  Your ability to manifest your thoughts almost instantaneous will become truer and truer throughout 2011.  Realize that this will be true for what you want as well as what you don’t want, if you give your thoughts and your energies to what you do not want.

Humans are in the habit of forming their thoughts around what they do want by stating what they do not want.  “I don’t want to struggle.  I don’t want another boyfriend who treats me that way.  I don’t like being overweight.  I don’t like living with my parents.”  As you have been told time and again, the Universe does not hear “no or not.”  So what the Universe hears in each of these cases is “I want to struggle.  I want another boyfriend who treats me that way.  I like being overweight.  I like living with my parents.”  This is truer now more than ever.  Pay attention to your thoughts!  When you find yourself making a negative statement, cancel it.  Just say “cancel.”  Then say what you do want.  “I want to know ease and joy in my life.  I want a boyfriend who is kind, loving, and appreciates the real me.  I love being my perfect weight.  I love living in the perfect space for me.”

Everything you know about your life is up for change in 2011.  Now is the time to open yourself to all of the limitless possibilities that exist.  You have been taught to make your New Year’s Resolutions and to make lists of what you wish to accomplish and have in your life.  We suggest that beginning now you throw away your lists.  That’s right.  Throw them away.  Why?  Because they limit you and they limit the possibilities in your life.  If you tell the Universe, I wish to drive a red BMW convertible, make $250,000 a year, and live in Maui; you have tied the hands of infinite manifestation.  You have given the Universe strict parameters on what you will accept in your life as answers to your hopes and desires.  Then if it is not for your highest good to live in Maui driving a red BMW convertible, then the Universe will keep you right where you are.

So what do we suggest?  As this one has been telling her clients for the last several years, the way to manifest is not through the visualization of what you wish to have in your life.  True manifestation now and on the New Earth is through concentrating on the feelings and emotions of that which you wish to create.  How do you wish to feel when you wake up in the morning?  How do you wish to feel as you experience your family, your friends, your co-workers?  How do you wish to feel as you drive your perfect car, live in your perfect location, or are making the perfect amount of money for you?  When you concentrate on how you wish to feel, then the Universe is able use infinite manifestation to bring you the perfect things, events, and people into your life to give you those feelings and emotions.  When you concentrate on your feelings rather than on your visualizations, the possibilities truly are limitless.

We appreciate your attention to the words and vibrations contained in this message.  It is our desire to stop here to allow you to absorb the information we have already given you.  Then, we will return in a day or two to continue with our view of the possibilities that are before you during 2011.

It is with great joy that we interact with each one of you.  You are truly and unconditionally loved.

I AM My Greater Presence

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If you are interested in a reading with My Greater Presence or have questions, please call Karen at 575-770-5698 or email her at info@karenlaruemoye.com to schedule an appointment.  You may also visit her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment.

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